Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Ok. It needs to be said.

A concert is NOT the appropriate place for a conversation. When the artists are performing, show some respect and shut up. If you really don't care to hear/see the performance, why are you there? If it's so you can say you were, leave and then lie about it. I promise, if anyone asks, I'll say I saw you there.

It's so disrespectful to the artists and the fans. And, it really pisses me off.

Why am I ranting about this?

Because it would seem that Portlanders are worse than Angelenos about talking during a concert. (Which seems crazy since everyone I've met is so nice.)

  • Last weekend at Doug Fir Lounge, seeing Over The Rhine, 3 hipster girls stood in the back of the room and quacked about...I dunno...their outfits or their ever-so-cool frames THE ENTIRE SET. The show was amazing despite the clucking in the back.

  • Two weeks ago at Wonder Ballroom, seeing The Watson Twins, there was so much chatter coming from the back of the room, it was hard to hear the acoustic performance of the band. Who was it? The shitty opening band to which we gave our full attention while they were onstage. Fuckers. I'd include their name, but I know that even bad publicity is good publicity. And, they'll get no support here.

Ok. Rant over. Back to happy...

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