Sunday, August 12, 2007

Hang on, little tomato

Portland’s pretty cool for a lot of reasons. One of which is that people grow produce in their yards. Apricot trees, walnut trees, pear trees. There are several other unidentified fruit trees in the neighborhood which are cause for great speculation for Cahen and I on our walks.

But that’s just the start. There’s berry vines, squash, cucumber, spices – even corn.

The neighborhood is on the honor system. With the fruit trees and berries, it seems ok to take a little, as long as you’re leaving plenty. The veggies seem off-limits (unless there’s a sign encouraging it). Even the ones growing in front of our apartment complex.

One of our neighbors has a pretty healthy tomato vine in front of the building. It’s got 7 or 8 fruit on it right now. Most of them are still green, one of them is almost overripe.

I want to pick it. So bad. I know it’s wrong, so I fight the urge. But, the damn thing’s been hanging out there, glimmering in the sunshine, it’s juicy goodness on display, for almost a week now.

Should I post a sign in the common area: “Please pick your tomato, it’s taunting me”?

Should I pick it?

They better not let it go bad.

Or the rest of them are fair game.


SMB said...

pick it, already! your mouth will thank you.

Stephanie said...

I think we'll have some extra tomatoes pretty soon. There are many, many green ones that are starting to turn a lovely pinkish hue. Hang on, Bobby, and tomatoes will come to you.