Sunday, April 6, 2008

Can a virus be a good thing?

Last week, someone sent me a rather racey text message:
"I want to go down on you, then slowly rise up and f*ck you real good"

It was signed "Gas Prices".

My first thought was "great, they've figured out how to send annoying forwards via text now". They're no longer limited to your email in-box.

Then, the more lasting thought crept into my head. If we can get upset about the price of gas in the US and take the time to try to make a difference, by complaining about it and by sending clever little text messages to everyone we know, why can't we try to solve the world's problems in the same way?

We've been staging protests against the Iraq war since before it began. I don't think protests work like they may have in the past. Protests are easy to ignore.

We need to be more annoying if we want to see any change.

I'm always open to hear a good joke. But, beyond that, I don't care how expensive gas is. I'd rather not be dependent on my car, so gas prices don't matter. I do care about the Tibetans' oppression, the continuing genocide of the black Africans in Darfur, the homeless population in the US and US healthcare - and I want to do more than I do to make it better. I want you to tell me what you care about, so I can help you try to make a difference.

We need to know our local representatives' faces, so we can tell them our concerns when we see them around town. We need to get our hands on US Officials' email addresses and start writing emails. And, I want their cell phone numbers, too. I'm working on a few really funny text jokes about the economy that I'd like to forward.

US Homeless Shelters

(The health care issue's too complex to provide a link, maybe that's my next topic...hmmmm)

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