Wednesday, January 30, 2008


IM conversation with my good friend, Sir William:

SW: But we all get $600 from Uncle Sam so we can spend it and save the economy. Maybe I'll just put mine in the bank to piss them off.
saibobby: yep, but a Swiss bank for extra sting.
SW: Right.
saibobby: those things used to make me mad - now they make me shrug.
saibobby: "Sorry you foreclosed on your house, here's $600"
SW: Exactly. "Sorry we destroyed the economy and sold America's assets to the Chinese. Here's $600."
saibobby: Please use it to buy Chinese goods.
SW: Don't mind the lead.
saibobby: giggle...even though it's not really funny.
saibobby: we should be rioting in the streets.
SW: True.
saibobby: but my Tivo has shows I need to watch.
SW: But they just arrest you as a terrorist these days. We have to find more inventive ways to be subversive.
saibobby: good point.
saibobby: hmmmm

hmmmm, indeed. What are we to do? That is, besides hoping 2009's Elected leaders will do better...

1 comment:

Scott said...
