Sunday, November 25, 2007

'tis the season

'Tis the season to shop and be thoughtful. While I've been on a quest to find places to shop that were aligned with my social and political views, I've come across a few goodies, so I thought I'd share.

Have bought yoga videos from them for years. Then, discovered they do much, much more than just videos and yoga stuff. All products are Fair Trade, veggie and made with minimal impact to Mother Earth.
Yummy clothes and linens made from hemp, organic cotton and sheared animals. They're so green, they're even "off the grid" - totally solar powered!

Pristine Planet
A super-helpful Eco-friendly search engine for shoppers.

Site dedicated to helping artists and crafters sell their goodies. Clothes, art, ceramics and much more.

And, if your friends and family are like me and would rather you give money to needy people/organizations than buy me more stuff, here's my recommendations (and where my money's going this year):

Amnesty International
Doing good around the world - providing relief to prisoners of conscience and victims of violent crimes, and fighting for human rights all over the globe.

Doctors Without Borders
Delivering emergency aid to people around the world affected by war, epidemics and natural disasters.

Oregon Food Bank
Fighting hunger and it's root causes in Oregon. You can find a similar local food bank in your home town, too. (I setup a monthly automatic donation, so I can help all year long.)

Peace on Earth, good will to all.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Punky's first Portland review

Congrats to Cahen (Punky) and the Portland Vocal Consort on their first concert's rave review! As one of those in attendance, I have to agree, it was pretty nice.

click here to Read the Review!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

something's in there

On Friday morning while I laid in bed, my head enjoying the sunken spot in the middle of my pillow, I listened to the gentle falling of the rain. It whispered to me, "Be still."

I decided to listen a while before getting up, despite my bladder's urging. I pulled back the curtains, just behind my head, so I could watch the rain fall, watch the crows walking like wind-up toys in the neighbor's back yard.

What seemed like only a minute later, I couldn't wait any longer. So, I got up to go to the bathroom. Walked past the kitties, who were both staring at the wall between the bathroom and the bedroom. Since staring at walls is a normal kitty activity, I paid little mind and went on my way.

It was only after I sat down in the bathroom, on the other side of the wall, that I realized that they were staring at something more than just the wall. I could hear it moving, right behind me in the wall, like the inside of the old wall was finally just crumbling into dust. But it wasn't just crumbling, it was giving way to the weight of something. And, there I sat. Unable to jump away.

Is it a rat? A feral cat? A squirrel? A raccoon? Can racoons fit inside a wall? Is it going to break through? (Mild panic sets in.) Quickly, I looked for a hole in the wall. No hole. I banged on the wall to scare it. The crumbling intensified. I'd scared it. Then, quiet. It ran away...or did it find a way IN?

I quickly finished my business in the bathroom and grabbed the broom. Then, checked the wall for any openings, then the closet. Nothing. No animal. No crumbling. The cats continued to stare at the wall. They had also begun staring at me apprehensively. I sat quietly in the living room, listening for more noises in the wall. I eventually made breakfast and started working.

It didn't come back, but I still have the broom handy. And the cats are staring at a new wall...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Japanese Gardens in the fall

On Sunday, Cahen, Kristen and I went to the Japanese Gardens for a Kimono exhibit. It was the first of many trips to the gardens.

Serene. Carefully constructed simplicity. The 3 of us spent the afternoon searching out new colors - within the leaves, the stones, the moss, the koi.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Not quite the news

I turn on the tv to watch a little news while I eat my breakfast (a spoonful of peanut butter and a banana). And, what's on, preventing me from changing to the news channel?

Isn't Tab Hunter dreamy?

Slow week

Slow week last week. Mainly because of this damn book. I can't put it down.

The Ruins by Scott Smith

Very well written. Creepy. I care about the characters and want them to live, but I don't think they're going to...

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Catching up

The week just got ahead of now it's time to play catch-up.

Last weekend, we went back to LA for our god daughter's blessing ceremony (I officiated it). We had the blessing at The Inn Of The Seventh Ray, tucked away in Topanga Canyon. It was a lovely service, if I do say so myself. Frida didn't take her eyes off of me the whole service. Several folks cried - and I always say I must've done a good job if people cried. Everyone agreed - brunch at the Inn Of The Seventh Ray was enchanting. I especially loved the brown rice with avocado and sea veggies.

Alex and Rory are already proving themselves as great parents. And, Frida: She's perfect. Her passionate eyes pull you in. Don't believe me? See the pictures for proof. Frida's Blessing Weekend

While in town for Frida's blessing, we also got to celebrate one of our favorite holidays at the best place to celebrate it: Day of the Dead at Hollywood Forever. There's nothing else like it in the US. Beautifully decorated altars, live music, food, vendors, incense, candles...and did I mention it's in one of the most beautiful cemeteries in the country? Check out some pics: Day Of The Dead

And, then, back in Portland, I got to take part in the Day of the Dead festivities here. While I was in the Pearl District for First Thursday (monthly art gallery openings), I stumbled upon a travelling Day of the Dead party. A 12-15 person percussion band being followed by a party of dancers, all dressed in Day of the Dead costumes (several on stilts). The coolest costumes: the ghostly puppeteer making his marionnette dance, while his spooky lady-friend (dressed just like the doll) performed all of the doll's actions. I followed the party, danced a bit and watched the show. Then, moved on to more galleries.

Busy week, more to write...later.

are we ready for the box set or what?

Finally saw "The Darjeeling Limited" yesterday.

I loved it. Loved it. Another great movie from Mr. Wes Anderson.

This one's my favorite, I think.

How do you make someone fall in love with characters in just 91 minutes? I surely don't know, but I'm glad Wes does. Broken, vulnerable, defensive and quirky characters. I want to be their friend...but they don't really exist. I know that.

And, I want to go to India.
And, I want a pet snake.
And I want to start stealing my friends' things so I can have them near me whenever I want. (Be warned.)

Monkey feet

Gotta keep my toes warm...